
Friday Jul 22, 2016
The Art of Holy Chutzpah - Parshat Pinchas
Friday Jul 22, 2016
Friday Jul 22, 2016
Sweetest Friends,
Ahhh, the world we livein today can be quite confusing at times. We all want to connect to somethingspiritual and pure. And in our deepest heart we feel and want to believe thatGod and our Torah offer that peaceful opportunity to us. But then someone withthe title "Rabbi" or someone claiming to be a representative of Godcomes along and hurts us with uncompassionate words or downright hatefulattitudes.
And something in ourheart both breaks and becomes strong. Our heart breaks because the Soul insideus has been hurt by the false-interpretations of HaShem's ideas. And it becomesstrong, because something defiant and pure is born inside us; the unwaveringvoice of our True Spiritual Self.
But where do we go fromthere? How do we find our way in a world so confused about what God wantsfor us?
Give a listen to thisweek's 12-minute Shu-Shine for some guidance about how to honor that HolyChutzpah voice inside you!
With love and gentlefire,

Friday Jul 15, 2016
Seeing Beneath the Surface - Chukat-Balak
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Sweetest Friends,
There is so much happening beneath the surface of our day-to-day lives. There is so much hidden depth to our Mitzvot and our Torah. There is so much hidden inside each and every one of us!
We are living in the Era of revealing the hidden. We are all members of the generation of Mashiach - of the redemption of the world!
Take ten minutes to grab some insight on seeing beneath the surface, and vibing life on the most real of levels.
Shabbat Shalom, and Tons of Love!

Friday Jul 01, 2016
Korach, Wilson, and the Third Temple
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Hey Sweetest Friends -
So in honor of all the Holy Chillers around the world who are throwing down for Phish’s SPAC/July 4th run, here is a special PHISHabbat Torah!
It straddles a line between the very serious and the very lighthearted, but it does so for very deep reasons. Because Simcha - True Joy - is the only tool that can repair the hatred and darkness that still poisons our otherwise-beautiful world.
What do the Torah portion of Korach, Phish’s Wilson, Islamic terror, and the Redemption of the World have in common?
Put another way, how do we turn our personal faith and joy into an antidote against the hatred and darkness, lighting up the world in loving perfection?
The answer is YOU. The answer rests within everything that hurts you when things are dark, because the only reason it hurts you is because you are so full of the repairing light!!!
Give a listen to this week’s 9-minute Shu-Shine for some insight regarding how to destroy the selfish darkness of Wilson and Korach, with the shining wisdom of the original Helping Friendly Book - our Holy Torah!
With Tons of love,

Friday Jun 24, 2016
Believe in Your Dreams - Shlach Lecha
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Hey Sweetest Friends -
Do you know that the biggest false-idol is that all too many people bow down to these days? It is the idol of “my dreams are not meant to come true”. It is the idol of “humble resignation”. It is the idol of “Plan B”.
Do you know what it takes to make your deepest dreams come true?? I will tell you. Believing in them!!!
Give a listen to this week’s shu-shine, and get some invigoration to believe in your dreams with all your might!
With Tons of love,

Friday Jun 10, 2016
Shavuot - Receiving the Love
Friday Jun 10, 2016
Friday Jun 10, 2016
Hey Sweetest Friends -
God sure feels like a mystery to us sometimes. And now, on the eve of once again receiving the Holy Torah, we reach deep inside and wonder how to best connect. How do we become a vessel for the deepest light? How do we become a reflection of Heaven on Earth? How do we open ourselves up to a genuine friendship with the Creator of the world?
Give a listen to this week’s Shu-Shine. It’s 20 minutes in length, but boy oh boy is it worth it!
With Tons of love,

Friday Apr 01, 2016
Embracing the Unknowable - Parshat Shmini
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Hey Sweetest Friends -
The world is SO full of beauty. We only need look out our window, and a million songs of poetry and sublime beauty fills our ears and eyes. We only need look at the fingers of our hand, or experience our connection with a loved one, to know that the number of blessings and the beautiful architecture of our world is a Divine gift.
Yet sometimes life doesn’t make sense. While we hope and pray to have each and every day filled with blessing, we live in a world that is not yet perfected. There is sadness in our world. There is tragedy. And when that aspect of life touches us, we suddenly find ourselves confused by this incomprehensible side of a Loving God.
Here is a meditation for when life doesn’t seem to be making sense:
God desires order in his world. That is clear. That you can count on.
So too, does He desire order in your world. You can count on that, too.
True, sometimes, despite your best efforts, your world may not go the way you hoped or anticipated.
Know this: That when the world behaves in a disorderly way, this is an exception, and He has a very good reason for it.
Give a listen to this week’s Shu-Shine for some deep reflections on how to embrace the aspects of life that are beyond our minds and hearts to understand. And may we all be blessed to have our days filled with joy and health and blessing, lending the strength of blessing to those who need our support.
With Tons of love,

Friday Jan 22, 2016
Perfect Faith - Parshat BeShalach
Friday Jan 22, 2016
Friday Jan 22, 2016
Hey Sweetest Friends -
If you want to open the doors to your dreams, and/or to changing the world, you need to believe in yourself, believe in the wisdom of those who have gone before you (so that you can stand on their shoulders!), and believe in the power of God that you can manifest through perfect faith!
Give a listed to this four-minute mediation and grab the key to opening the door of genuine belief in the miracles that are in your hands.
With Tons of love,

Friday Jan 15, 2016
Owning Your Own Challenges - Parshat Bo
Friday Jan 15, 2016
Friday Jan 15, 2016
Hey Sweetest Friends -
Life is full of challenges. But too many times, we kind-of schlep ourselves out the door to face them.
But that is NOT the way! Nope! In this weeks Torah portion HaShem reveals to us the biggest secret: A challenge is a stage of transcendent growth – a time when you are stepping from all you were until that moment, into something you never knew you could become.
And we have to ‘come’ to those moments; we have to step right up to them and grab them by the shoulders and tell them how it’s gonna be!!
Give a listen to this yummy five-minute shu-shine and grab some inspiration to embrace the challenges of this moment and bow them to your dreams!
With Tons of love,

Friday Jan 08, 2016
The God of Dreams - Parshat Shmot
Friday Jan 08, 2016
Friday Jan 08, 2016
Hey Sweetest Friends -
Thanks to my dear friend David Montag, I am re-emergin with a few new shu-shines!
We stand at the crossroads of our future. Right now. And our future calls to us. It begs us to redeem it. In this moment, with perfect faith in all we can be and all the world has to offer, we can redeem a future spectacular in every way. But should we doubt ourselves, God, or the world… well then… the future can only be as grand as you dream it to be…
In the Torah portion called “Names”, we learn about the unusual name that God gave himself when asked by Moses: God called Himself the ‘God of Dreams’.
And next week, in the Torah portion called “And I will appear" we are given the keys to personal redemption, so that we can make our newly awakened dreams come true.
May we all be blessed to dream the greatest dreams – for ourselves, all those we love, and the world — and then redeem our deepest potential to make those dreams come true!!
With Tons of love,

Friday Jan 08, 2016
On Personal Redemption - Parshat Vaera
Friday Jan 08, 2016
Friday Jan 08, 2016
Hey Sweetest Friends -
Thanks to my dear friend David Montag, I am re-emerging with a few new shu-shines!
We stand at the crossroads of our future. Right now. And our future calls to us. It begs us to redeem it. In this moment, with perfect faith in all we can be and all the world has to offer, we can redeem a future spectacular in every way. But should we doubt ourselves, God, or the world… well then… the future can only be as grand as you dream it to be…
Last week, in the Torah portion called “Names”, I recorded a meditation about the unusual name that God gave himself when asked by Moses: God called Himself the ‘God of Dreams’.
And this week, in the Torah portion called “And I will appear" we are given the keys to personal redemption, so that we can make our newly awakened dreams come true.
May we all be blessed to dream the greatest dreams – for ourselves, all those we love, and the world — and then redeem our deepest potential to make those dreams come true!!
With Tons of love,